Cs go bunnyhop script 2016
Cs go bunnyhop script 2016

Gui, Add, UpDown, vNORECOILAMT Range1-8, 1 Gui, Add, Text, x20 y110 cBlue, No Recoil Amount: Gui, Add, Text, x20 y90 vNORECOIL cBlue, No Recoil: Off Gui, Add, Text, x20 y70 w200 vFIREMODE cBlue, Fire Mode: Default Gui, Add, Button, x10 y10 w180 h20 vSHOWBUYBUTTON gSHOWBUY, Autobuy Settings > this is were the saved presets are stored StringSplit, tempSaveArraySplit3, tempSaveArra圓, #, StringSplit, tempSaveArraySplit2, tempSaveArray2, #, StringSplit, tempSaveArraySplit1, tempSaveArray1, #, StringSplit, tempSaveArray, tempSaveText, ^, StringReplace, tempSaveText, tempSaveText, `r, , StringSplit, wepArraySplit4, wepArray4, |,įileRead, tempSaveText, %A_WorkingDir%\buy_save.txtįileAppend, None#None#None#None^None#None#None#None^None#None#None#None, %A_WorkingDir%\buy_save.txt StringSplit, wepArraySplit3, wepArra圓, |, StringSplit, wepArraySplit2, wepArray2, |, StringSplit, wepArraySplit1, wepArray1, |, the split string array is for the sake of simplicity StringReplace, tempWepText, tempWepText, `r, , TempWepText := "nova|xm1014|sawedoff|m249|negev|mac10|mp7|ump45|p90|bizon|famas|m4a1|ssg08|aug|awp|scar20`nelite|p250|tec9|deagle`nvest|vesthelm|Taser|defuser`nmolotov|decoy|flashbang|hegrenade|smokegrenade`nNova|XM1014|Sawed-Off/MAG-7|M249|Negev|MAC-10/MP9|MP7|UMP-45|P90|PP-Bizon|Galil AR/FAMAS|AK47/M4A4/M4A1-S|SSG 08|SG 553/AUG|AWP|G3SG1/SCAR-20`nDual Berettas|P250|Tec-9/Five-SeveN/CZ75-Auto|Desert Eagle`nKevlar Vest|Kevlar + Helmet|Zeus x27|Defuse/Rescue Kit`nMolotov/Incendiary Grenade|Decoy Grenade|Flashbang|High Explosive Grenade|Smoke Grenade" FileRead, tempWepText, %A_WorkingDir%\buy_info.txt #IfWinActive Counter-Strike: Global Offensive #singleInstance, force one instance is easier to handle There is random sleep times for more human-like inputs Script Code: CS:GO Auto Buy and CS:GO Tools RShift to toggle norecoil consistent downwards pull.Numpad 6 = tap once is burst, but when u hold down mouse its fully auto.Numpad 5 = knife mode, best knifing combos!.

cs go bunnyhop script 2016

  • Numpad 4 to make your semi-auto weapon fully auto!.
  • NEW FEATURE: slow down auto fire for DEAGLES!.
  • For the recoil reducer, I use 3 for most primary weapons (ak 47, m4a1, etc.) and 2 for deagle and 1 for other pistols (assuming that for the pistols that auto fire is on) THIS DEPENDS ON UR SENSITIVITY! test out the values!.
  • recoil reducer (moves mouse down) yeah!.
  • #Cs go bunnyhop script 2016 full#

    Auto fire (make your pistol or shotgun full auto!).Auto-buy: bind to one of the three numpad keys.Note: this is NOT a hack!!! It is just a script that simulates mouse movements and clicks!įor more human-like behavior, the script has random sleep times.

    cs go bunnyhop script 2016

    Since I need to work, donating will help me lessen my work load and make more scripts! Please post if you wanna suggest a script idea! If you liked this tool and would like to support the developer (me) you can private message me using the forum messaging and you can donate something to me.

    Cs go bunnyhop script 2016